SCHEDULE 13G Amendment No. 2 Pittston Brink's Group Common Stock $1.00 par value Cusip Number: 725-701-10-6 Item 1: Reporting Person: Tiger Management L.L.C. Item 4: Delaware Item 5: -0- Item 6: 2,984,800 Item 7: -0- Item 8: 2,984,800 Item 9: 2,984,800 Item 11: 7.3% Item 12: IA Cusip Number: 725-701-10-6 Item 1: Tiger Performance L.L.C. Item 4: Delaware Item 5: -0- Item 6: 1,906,100 Item 7: -0- Item 8: 1,906,100 Item 9: 1,906,100 Item 11: 4.6% Item 12: IA Cusip Number: 725-701-10-6 Item 1: Julian H. Robertson, Jr. Item 4: Delaware Item 5: -0- Item 6: 4,890,900 Item 7: -0- Item 8: 4,890,900 Item 9: 4,890,900 Item 11: 11.9% Item 12: IN Item 1(a) Pittston Brink's Group Item 1(b) P.O. Box 4229, 1000 Virginia Center Parkway, Glen Allen, Virginia 23060. Item 2(a) This statement is filed on behalf of Tiger Management L.L.C. ("TMLLC") and Tiger Performance L.L.C. ("TPLLC"). Julian H. Robertson, Jr. is the ultimate controlling person of TMLLC and TPLLC. Item 2(b) The address of each reporting person is 101 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10178 Item 2(c) Incorporated by reference to item (4) of the cover page pertaining to each reporting person. Item 2(d) Common Stock $1.00 par value Item 2(e) 725-701-10-6 Item 3. TMLLC and TPLLC are investment advisers registered under Section 203 of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. Item 4 Ownership as of December 31, 1997 is incorporated by reference to items (5) - (9) and (11) of the cover page pertaining to each reporting person. Item 5 Not applicable Item 6 Other persons are known to have the right to receive dividends from or proceeds from the sale of such securities. The interest of one such person, The Jaguar Fund N.V., a Netherlands Antilles corporation, is more than 5%. Item 7. Not applicable Item 8. Not applicable Item 9. Not applicable Item 10. By signing below, I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the securities referred to above were acquired in the ordinary course of business and were not acquired for the purpose of and do not have the effect of changing or influencing the control of the issuer of such securities and were not acquired in connection with or as a participant in any transaction having such purpose or effect. After reasonable inquiry and to the best of my knowledge and belief, I certify that the information set forth in this statement is true, complete and correct. February 13, 1998 TIGER MANAGEMENT L.L.C. /s/ Nolan Altman, Chief Financial Officer TIGER PERFORMANCE L.L.C. /s/ Nolan Altman, Chief Financial Officer JULIAN H. ROBERTSON, JR. By: /s/ Nolan Altman Under Power of Attorney dated 1/27/95 On File with Schedule 13G for Kohl's Corp. 2/7/95AGREEMENT The undersigned agree that this Amendment No. 2 to Schedule 13G dated February 13, 1998 relating to shares of common stock of Pittston Brink's Group shall be filed on behalf of each of the undersigned. TIGER MANAGEMENT L.L.C. /s/ Nolan Altman, Chief Financial Officer TIGER PERFORMANCE L.L.C. /s/ Nolan Altman, Chief Financial Officer JULIAN H. ROBERTSON, JR. By: /s/ Nolan Altman Under Power of Attorney dated 1/27/95 On File with Schedule 13G for Kohl's Corp. 2/7/95